Noticing stuckness is a superpower

There’s this feeling that I call stuckness. It can strike any time I’m trying to get something done. I’ll find myself in a slog. Sometimes, I don’t know how to proceed. Other times, I know what I need to do, but I have a hard time actually doing it. That’s stuckness. I can try to force myself through it, but that doesn’t address the root of the issue (and it’s not very fun).

Stuckness is an unpleasant feeling, but I think all feelings are signs that can be useful. Stuckness is a frustrating sign, but it can be particularly helpful. If I’m feeling stuck, there’s always a reason why. If I diagnose the reason, I can solve that problem. Poof. Stuckness is gone. 

Just knowing that I can notice, diagnose, and solve my stuckness is a bit of a superpower.